
AI Made Simple

A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work

Unleash the Full Potential of AI in Your Everyday Work

ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, Claude, and a seemingly endless number of other new conversational AI are all the rage.

You've heard stories about how these models can generate amazing content, insights, and solutions for almost any problem.

Maybe you've even gotten some results that surprised you.

But how much of this is really just hype?

Sure, ChatGPT can create haikus. And Midjourney and DALL-E can create some entertaining images.

But your biggest problems are related to delivering projects and leading teams.

How much of this AI stuff can apply to your day-to-day work? Helping you lead your teams? Deal with difficult stakeholders? Streamline and deliver your projects?

That’s why we created…

AI Made Simple

A Practical Guide to Using AI in Your Everyday Work

AI Made Simple is a comprehensive online course that provides a step-by-step guide to help you master the art and science of prompt engineering.I work with project managers and leaders around the world every week. I made this for you.You'll see how crafting effective prompts for everyday situations can make all the difference for generating truly valuable results from the AI models.By taking this course, you'll not only be more confident in using the tools for your own work. You'll know how to help those around you to benefit as well.If you hold a certification from Project Management Institute, this course qualifies for 10 PDUs (a certificate can be downloaded upon completion of all the lessons).

"Okay, I'm a little bit impressed. I just asked two similar prompts - for a list of user stories and a list of use cases related to a specific project I'm working on. The results need to be curated for the context of our company, but if I had done this a couple weeks ago, it might have saved 6 people an hour, or more, in meetings and sped things up for our UX designer."Aaron P.

What You'll Get

Introduction to the Tools

There's so much more than ChatGPT. You'll learn which tools you prefer for different situations.

How to Write Great Prompts

You'll learn how to use variables and placeholders and progressive prompting to get the timesaving results you want.

Curated Prompt Pack

You'll get prompts that are specifically curated to help you lead and deliver.

Personal Writing Assistant

Learn high-value prompts to help you streamline your writing. You'll be writing better and faster.

Project Management Assistant

Learn the secrets to jumpstart your projects and help you with stakeholder management.

Executive Coach

You'll learn how to tap the insights of the AI models, just as you would from an executive coach.

"Enrolling in AI Made Simple was a game-changer for me! Andy's ability to present complex concepts with clarity and enthusiasm reignited my love for technology.Thanks to this course, I've gained both valuable knowledge and skills and newfound confidence in my abilities.If you're contemplating taking AI Made Simple, don't hesitate for a moment – It's a decision you won't regret!"Natalie M.

"The course is fab-rilliant! (crafting new words here!). It is impossible to get bored watching your videos.I found the course progressively informative and helpful. As I learnt, examined and tested various aspects of each section and tried AI as per your suggestions, I found myself flooded with potential ideas, amendments, changes, upgrades to current structures of my work.Maybe for some it may be "just another course" but for me this was an invaluable new step forward. Thank you!"Lavinia M.

By the end of this masterclass, you'll be able to:

  • More confidently explain which AI chatbots you prefer for different situations

  • Generate sophisticated, high-value interactions and outputs from ChatGPT or any other GPT-powered AI model

  • Demonstrate prompting skills unknown to most project managers and leaders.

  • Gain a true competitive edge over those are not using AI

And you'll be able to do this:

  • Without spending a fortune on hiring under-skilled experts, testing new tools, or learning to code

  • Without wasting hours on trial-and-error experimentation

  • Without settling for mediocre results

"Just got a new certification from Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc. after finishing "AI Made Simple" course from the brilliant Andy Kaufman!If you are a #projectmanager looking for simple ways to leverage #ai at your daily tasks, take a look!"Ferenc C.

Plus, join now and get these bonuses:


Forever Access to Course Updates

You get unlimited access to course materials and resources as they become available. No expiration dates.


Free license to Getting Stuff Done

This is our popular e-learning offering that teaches project management skills to students. Give it as a gift!

Our Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

If you don't feel more confident in your ability to interact with GPT-powered models within 30 days of completing the course, we will provide a full refund.

Future-Proof Promise

Access to the latest version of the course will be free of charge to ensure your skills stay up-to-date.

© Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development Inc. All rights reserved.